Thursday, August 30, 2012

Thing #3

I believe a teacher would use a blog to communicate to students more in depth instructions and helpful hints. When I start teaching in my own classroom blogging will be very important for students to fully grasp United States history. I would use a blog to post pictures to go along with what we have been talking about in class and in the book. When the students begin to work on research papers I could upload a link so that they can go to websites for extra help or to get research. I would post a template on writing in Chicago style, so that they will have something to base their paper off of. I would also encourage students to create their own blog so that they can not only discuss school assignments but, about things happening within their lives.

Thing #2

  When making my blog I decided on my title and URL because of the basic information in my life. For the title of my blog I simply put my last name so that myself and other students in the class can easily access my blog. I decided on the URL name for my blog because I want to be a Secondary History teacher, and will be hopefully, start teaching in the year 2014. Creating this blog was very simple. The most difficult part most of been adding my avatar into the blog but, the overall process of creating the blog was very simple with step by step instructions. While making my avatar on Doopleme I made the avatar to resemble closely to me. My personality is very light and bubbly and I wanted my avatar to reflect that. I choose a pretty pink top and a heart background because these are things you will find me wearing or using in real life.

Thing #1

While watching the 7 1/2 Habits of Lifelong Learners I noticed that a lot of the habits actually relate to me. The hardest habit that challenges me the most is taking responsibility for my own learning. While I was growing up I always felt that I needed someone to push me and hold me accountable for doing things even if it was beneficial for me. I have always had a problem pushing myself to study or complete assignments ahead of schedule and not procrastinating. I feel that once I master the habit of holding myself accountable that I will be happier and less stressed. Of all the seven and a half habits I feel that using technology to my advantage is the easiest habit. Whenever I am faced with a problem or an assignment I always use the internet or some tutorial to help me. In this day in age using technology is the easiest form of communication to help with any assignments.